Grigorios Mario Karageorgos


Academic Qualifications


Grigorios Marios Karageorgos received the Diploma degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in 2016 and majored in electronic engineering. He conducted his Diploma thesis at the BIOmedical Simulations and IMaging laboratory (BIOSIM) of NTUA, where he worked on the development of a self-powered electromagnetic sensor for cardiovascular system monitoring. In 2017, he enrolled in the Ph.D. program in biomedical engineering at Columbia University, where he joined the Ultrasound Imaging Elasticity Laboratory (UEIL). His research interests include the development of ultrasound imaging techniques to estimate the mechanical properties of large arteries, and methods for vascular disease diagnosis and monitoring.


Pulse wave imaging coupled with vector flow mapping: A phantom, simulation and in vivo study

Grigorios M. Karageorgos
Iason Z. Apostolakis
Pierre Nauleau
Vittorio Gatti
Rachel Weber
Paul Kemper
Elisa E. Konofagou

Modelling Pulse Wave Propagation Through a Stenotic Artery with Fluid Structure Interaction: A Validation Study Using Ultrasound Pulse Wave Imaging

Vittorio Gatti
Pierre Nauleau
Grigorios Mario Karageorgos
Jay J Shim
Gerard A Ateshian
Elisa E Konofagou

Arterial wall mechanical inhomogeneity detection and atherosclerotic plaque characterization using high frame rate pulse wave imaging in carotid artery disease patients in vivo

Grigorios Marios Karageorgos
Iason Zacharias Apostolakis
Pierre Nauleau
Vittorio Gatti
Rachel A Weber
Sander Connolly
Eliza C Miller
Elisa E Konofagou

Adaptive Pulse Wave Imaging: automated spatial vessel wall inhomogeneity detection in phantoms and in-vivo

Iason Z. Apostolakis
Grigorios M. Karageorgos
Pierre Nauleau
Sacha D. Nandlall
Elisa E. Konofagou

Conference abstracts and proceedings

ITEC 2020: High frame rate Pulse Wave Imaging in stroke patients in vivo

Grigorios M. Karageorgos
Changhee Lee
Salah Mahmoudi
Rachel Weber
Randolf Marshall
Joshua Z. Willey
Eliza Miller
Elisa E. Konofagou

IUS 2020: Adaptive wall shear stress imaging coupled with Pulse Wave Imaging: A feasibility study in phantoms, FSI simulations and atherosclerotic swine in vivo

Grigorios M. Karageorgos
Nirvedh Meshram
Pierre Nauleau
Changhee Lee
Rachel Weber
Salah Mahmoudi
Paul Kemper
Elisa E. Konofagou

EMBC 2019: Atherosclerotic plaque mechanical characterization coupled with vector Doppler imaging in atherosclerotic carotid arteries in-vivo.

Grigorios Mario Karageorgos
Iason Zacharias Apostolakis
Pierre Nauleau
Vittorio Gatti
Rachel Weber
Elisa E Konofagou

IUS 2019: Imaging of pulse wave propagation coupled with vector flow and wall shear stress mapping in atherosclerotic plaque phantoms and in vivo.

Grigorios Mario Karageorgos
Iason Zacharias Apostolakis
Pierre Elie Amedee Nauleau
Vittorio Gatti
Rachel Weber
Julien Grondin
Elisa E. Konofagou

IUS 2018: Automated Spatial Mechanical Inhomogeneity Detection and Arterial Wall Characterization in Human Atherosclerotic Carotid Arteries In-Vivo

Grigorios Mario Karageorgos
Iason Zacharias Apostolakis
Pierre Nauleau
Rachel Weber
Elisa E. Konofagou

WCB 2018: Automatic spatial mechanical inhomogeneity detection in atherosclerotic carotid arteries in-vivo

Grigorios Marios Karageorgos
Iason Zacharias Apostolakis
Elisa E. Konofagou

ITEC 2018: 4-D Pulse Wave Imaging in the human Abdominal Aorta in-vivo

Grigorios Marios Karageorgos
Julien Grondin
Iason-Zacharias Apostolakis
Elisa E. Konofagou