
Anyone is welcome to reach out to any of the researchers in the lab with questions about our work and more information about ongoing projects. Please refer to the "People" or "Projects" page for contact information and project affiliations of each lab member. Otherwise, for specific opportunities to be involved:

Research Assistant, Sonographer Position

Our lab works on developing novel, ultrasound-based techniques for both diagnostic and therapeutic applications. We believe that non-invasive imaging techniques can diagnose cardiovascular diseases more accurately and reliably than existing diagnostic methods. In order to evaluate our technologies, we are conducting multiple clinical trials at New York Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York. We are seeking a  ( grant funded) skilled cardiac sonographer who will work with our team of researchers to acquire high-quality transthoracic cardiac and vascular images in human and large animal subjects.

The ideal candidate will possess excellent scanning abilities, strong anatomical knowledge, as well as exemplary bedside manner. Organization, time management, and the ability to prioritize the collection of sonographic data for a variety of research projects is required, as well as strong interpersonal skills to recruit and consent research subjects.

This position is on-site Monday-Friday and does not require weekends, holidays, or calls.

You can find more information at: https://opportunities.columbia.edu/jobs/research-asstistant-sonographer-morningside-new-york-united-states

Postdoctoral Positions

Post-doctoral fellows interested in any of our ongoing projects are encouraged to reach out and discuss potential opportunities. Please send inquiries or CVs to Dr. Elisa Konofagou at [email protected].

Columbia University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Columbia values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly welcomes applications from women, persons with disabilities, protected veterans, and underrepresented minorities.

Graduate Student Opportunities

A number of exciting research projects are available in our laboratory for prospective PhD students as well as current students in the MS program; those interested in our group may stop by the lab or email Dr. Elisa Konofagou at [email protected]

Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Summer Internships

Undergraduates interested in our laboratory are welcome year-round, depending on space and mentor availability! Interested students may email Dr. Elisa Konofagou at [email protected].

If you're an undergraduate or master's student interested in exploring a summer internship with us in 2025, we invite you to apply through our Google form here by March 1, 2025. If you have any questions about the application process or summer internships, please reach out to Fotis ([email protected]) or Daniella ([email protected]).